Friday, March 13, 2009


Well, Kamber is 7 months old now and is growing like a cute little weed! So, I pulled out the ol' camera and decided to take some pictures for the baby book. I have to say that our little "photo shoot" went really well!

In the past months Kamber has been sitting up, started crawling properly, sits herself up from a laying down position, pulls up on things and can actually pull herself into a psudo standing position! It is really more of a downward-dog position if you are familiar with yoga :-) But she will also do that as she tries to pull up on our legs, or a short box on the floor. So she ends up standing, but sort of bent over like a little old lady with a walker :-)

It really is a shame that she is such an un-happy baby...we never get smiles out of her!

1 comment:

  1. So much fun. She is getting big, I guess there is no way around it, that is just what they do:) She is a perfect mixture of the two of you, and such a sweet little smile. I love it.
